Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Still planting...

Leeks 2.0 are going much better than Leeks 1.0. They're super late, and who knows if we'll even see any leeks from this attempt, but it's fun! Tomatoes are doing really well, but the peppers are kind of duds. They seem to be super finicky this year, and probably need more heat to germinate. Well, tough, they're not getting it. I have lost two tomatoes to the Bean so far, but I stuck the broken stems into the soil, and I think they may make it anyway. Here' s hoping!

I'm going to start melons and squash soon, and I have to repot tomatoes soon as well. Oh, and plant peas (what, they should've been in the ground a month ago? I know! I know!)

Turns out being a working mom really puts a crimp in ME time! Oh, and so do the 2930482309480239492 mosquitoes who live outside our house.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Well, we've had our first casualties of the growing season - the leeks. Despite being vigilant, Bean was experimenting with his basketball and my plant stand. It turns out his basketball *will* fit in the plant stand, as long as it pushes the leek tray out the other side onto the floor. It required a shop vac to clean up the carnage...

Thursday, February 21, 2008

It's been awhile...

Well, a year and a half later, I'm back at it. The gardens have expanded. So has our family! The 2007 gardening season was a wash. I spent most of my time keeping Bean alive. Which has worked out very well so far! I'm eagerly looking forward to the 2008 growing season, because it means more time for getting out and playing in the mud.

The woodland garden is an abandoned project. The thorny vines and incredibly persistent grass, coupled with the tons of fallen leaves made it impossible to keep. So I've been slowly moving plants from there up into other gardens.

The front garden bed has been expanded, and plans are in place to make an even larger woodland garden bed in the very front of the yard. All we need is some topsoil. And a few hours of backbreaking work.

I'm just twitching to start my seedlings for spring planting. But am trying to control myself. I don't think I'll make it to April!

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Staring August in the face...

Where did the summer go?

Andy built me raised garden beds - they're very lovely, and my tomatoes are LOVING them! However, they're planted too close together, and are just one giant tomato jungle. Even overshadowing to some extent, the peppers in front of them. The first cherry tomatoes are just starting to blush orange, so even though they got a late start, I'm hopeful to see some fruit this year!

I'm toying with the idea of planting some seeds even now, to see what will grow. The garden is in a sheltered spot, so I think it may work out. Even if it doesn't, seeds are cheap!

The rest of the gardens are wickedly neglected. I *need* to get out and weed, but it's been so melty this past week or so, who wants to sweat like crazy instead of lounging in the pool?

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

I came, I saw, I mulched

The woodland garden is completely mulched. No new plants have become bunny victims. They either don't like primrose, or they haven't found it yet...

The lupine look very very poor. I know they don't like to be transplanted, but I picked very small clumps, and thought I got the whole root system. Maybe they'll perk up, but I'm not holding my breath! I guess if they don't take, I'll start some from seed - it seemed to work in the garden by the house.

Tonight's mission is to tackle the spot for the new vegetable garden. Fear me.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Weekend Warrior

The sadly neglected woodland garden (aka poorly planned vegetable garden) got some TLC this weekend. I took out all the weeds, dug in 200 lbs of compost, and added 150 lbs of mulch. I'm a little short on mulch, so have to add a bit more at some point. I also added a few plants - two foxgloves (one is supposed to be chocolate colored!), several primrose, lamium, lupines I dug up from the woods out back, and violets dug up from the lawn. We'll see what takes. I also noticed what I think is a trillium growing! I planted 3 last fall - I think this is one of them! I'll be royally pissed if it's just a weed...

I also moved my strawberry plant closer to the house. It was just getting mercilessly chomped by the damn rabbits where it was. The woods are flush with new growth and fun stuff to eat. WHY do they insist on taking down my crocus and strawberry plants??

Thursday, May 05, 2005

May is here!

And with it comes snow...wait, snow? Yep, what miserable weather. The weatherman is practically shooting off in his pants about the crap weather. He gleefully says "This is the latest we've had snow since 1978!" Well, who the fuck cares? Tell me when the good weather is coming!

It looks like it may be on the way. Today is sunny skies with a possible high at 65. Still not much rain. Last May was almost the wettest on record. This one is not shaping up to be a repeat. I'm going to be brave, and get some annuals this weekend. I know, tempting fate. Guaranteed for at least one more snow event, I bet. Just you wait and see.